Does National Academy Consensus Statement set stage for a Physician Wellness Turning Point?

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Will recent recommendations of the National Academy of Medicine cause meaningful action to address the burnout epidemic?

What do you think?
What are the odds this six pound consensus statement will change your daily experience of seeing patients and dealing with the digital Whirlwind of your work day any time soon?
  • Will we look back 10 years from now and say 2020 is when everything changed?
  • Do calls for a "positive work environment" mean anything when there are no recommendations on HOW to accomplish that feat? 
  • What happens in the C-suite when this call to address physician burnout clashes with the organization's drive to maximize profit and shareholder value? (even non-profits must have a margin!)
Those questions will only be answered in hindsight, years from now.
And we believe it is important you see and understand the recommendations being made on your behalf by this impressive gathering of "experts".
Get Your Corporate Physician Wellness Strategy
WellMDWorks 3-Step Process is at This Link

In this blog post let's do two things:

1) Look at a sampling of specific recommendations and what they could mean to you. I promise to focus only on those few sentences in the 300 pages most likely to effect you directly.

2) Give you a copy of the full recommendations so you can do two things:

    1. Print off two copies and carry them with you at all times.
    2. So when the opportunity arises, you can drop them on your CEO/CMO/CFO's desk and ask that they be adopted in your organization. If your boss can be influenced by consensus statements like this, you want to be ready for their teachable moment

Tags: physician wellness, stop physician burnout, physician wellbeing


Stop Physician Burnout - the Courage to Take Better Care of Yourself

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

When burnout forces you to reverse the bad habits of our training - normal self-care can seem like an act of courage

This is Blog Post #288

Complete Blog Library  is Here

Burnout is your destiny trying to get your attention. It's objective - wake you up and knock you onto a path with more purpose.

Most of the time, it must grind you to a state of complete exhaustion, before you will begin to challenge the habits that got you here. Those survival habits were learned in the crucible of your residency. Learning to take better care of yourself won't come easily.

And if you are lucky, burnout finally gets you to look in the mirror and ask, "Is THIS what I really want in my life and my practice?"

If you recover, better self-care will be a significant piece of your strategy. You realize you don't have to live your life like a resident. There are other options.

  • You will learn how turn off your "the patient comes first" programming when you are not at work
  • You will find new ways to take better care of yourself - to put your mask on first
  • Rest - Nutrition - Vacations/Holidays - even a little pampering here and there - will all play a role. 

Then you run into the next obstacle. 

As soon as you start taking better care of yourself, GUILT will often rear its ugly head.

Tags: stop physician burnout, physician wellbeing


Our Client - Avera Health - wins national physician wellbeing award

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

National Recognition for Our Client Avera Health in Sioux Falls !!

Our clients Avera Health in Sioux Falls, South Dakota just won the  2016 Medicus Integra Award from the Coalition for Physician Wellbeing.

In 2014 we collaborated with Avera to provide 8 full onsite training days for their regional hub hospitals and launched their Burnout Prevention Working Group which they call the LIGHT Committee. The letters stand for 

Tags: physician wellbeing