Thanks for booking our Wellness Strategy ZOOM Session.
You will be sent an appointment confirmation via email.
Please open and click it to confirm our ZOOM session.
I am already looking forward to learning more about your specific situation and crafting an Effective Physician Wellness Strategy using our 40,000 doctor, 175 organization experience in preventing physician burnout.
We will also send you brief reminder emails one day before and 15 minutes before this important connection call.
Here is a ONE MINUTE Thank You and Next Steps Video.
Go ahead and hit PLAY
In the meantime, here are two more important resources:
If you have any immediate questions or concerns or need support right away, here are three ways to contact us urgently.
1) My cell phone 360-420-2100
2) Email
3) Use this form to contact us through the website
Until we connect on the call, keep breathing and have a great rest of your day,
Dike Drummond MD
CEO & Founder,
© all rights reserved