One Minute Stress Relief Testimonials
What Clients are Saying …
Peace of Mind
“I found myself overwhelmed by major change which I felt I had little control over and finding others negativity and game playing behaviors difficult.
The squeegee breath give me peace of mind. clarity about what I love about my work and knowing that I know how to identify it and find it and reward myself for finding it. So powerful it brings tears to my eyes typing this email!
The changes were instant at one level, but I know that over time (5 months now) I am changing at a deeper more sustainable level. The program is worth much more than I paid! How do you quantify peace of mind? I’ve never seen any comparable programs for MDs and I’ve done loads of leadership training.
I have recommended it to many medical colleagues because it is an evidence based intervention delivered in a format which is private, at your own speed, pitched just right, by another physician with a great attitude, is fun and can be the stepping stone to helping other colleagues to manage the difficult job of being a doctor in a way which leaves them excited about their own career and future again.”
~ F.T. MD
Results in just a few days
“I used to be hurried, rushed between clinic sites, responding to faxes, phone calls, easily frustrated with staff and myself, being sarcastic or thinking I was funny – which did not go over well. My emotional reactions to comments by patients and staff, kept bothering me thru the day. Didn’t have the space in my head to think clearly, just reacting.
I had tried simple things like counting to ten and that didn’t work. It was a bit of a shock to find an evidence based, simple way to create the emotional and mental space to work efficiently even on the most hectic days.
I learned how I could let go of all the worry with a breath no one else even notices. It was easy to learn the program with the videos and worksheets. I started to see results within just a few days. Now I use the squeegee breath in my everyday relationships and taught it to my staff and patients. It always helps me calm down and be really present with the person in front of me at the moment.”
~ S. J. MD
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Given me back a sense of control in my life
“Before the 1 Minute Stress Relief program I was rushing through my day, just trying to make it to the end as quickly as possible. I felt like I was in a pinball machine, being hit back and forth from clinic room to clinic room and then back to the hospital. I tried a mindfulness course a few years prior, but it didn’t stick. I tried “self-relaxation” tapes, but they never did anything except give me a 20 minute nap. I was very skeptical of something that promised 1 Minute Stress Relief, it all seemed too good to be true.
I studied the program during my maternity leave. I was so nervous about going back to work and the piles of things that would be waiting for me once I came back. On my first day back in the office I was shocked to be walking out on time, with all my work done, and with a real sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
The program has given me back a sense of control in my life. It brought me back to being present with each of my patients. I feel like a healer again, not just someone who writes out prescriptions and makes referrals. I am still surprised that It doesn’t take any more time in my already packed work day; in fact it keeps giving me back time I would have normally wasted on worrying.”
~ J.K. DO
Feel as if I have a pause button
“We have been going through a major reorganization and several of my senior colleagues have gone off with stress related illness. I was worried the stress was going to get to me too. I’ve been looking for something positive I could do to build my own resilience for some time when I found your course.
The squeegee breath makes me feel as if I have a pause button. I can stop, collect myself and feel so much more at ease in the chaos around me. It always puts me in a better mood, even when things are tough at work, or at home. The bite size chunks at my own pace works great and knowing the whole program is evidence based really matters to me as well.”
~ F.D. MD
How very easy it is to regain focus
“1 Minute Stress Relief has made it possible to take myself and my emotions out of play and turn my full attention to my patients and coworkers and my own needs. I was surprised how very easy it is to regain focus – even when there are many distractions and people demanding attention. When my staff saw me doing it, they started doing it too. And if I forget – and look like I need it, they remind me. Better than a group hug.”
~ Sandi C. D.O.
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