Time Management is a Myth – Manage This instead

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Time management is a myth.

There is no such thing as time management.  You and I get 24 hours in each day – 168 of them in a week. No more and no less. The seconds in an hour are a fixed resource that no one can manipulate or manage or finagle or cajole or multiply. So let’s all stop focusing on ” time management ” and do something MUCH more productive instead.

Let me show you a simple checklist to
Manage Your Priorities instead

and create more work-life balance this week

Tags: Physician Burnout, time management


Work Life Balance Schedule HACK for Busy Doctors

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Work Life Balance and the Schedule HACK Shortcut

Here is a simple, powerful shortcut a client and I came up with this week for quickly helping anyone create more work life balance

Tags: Dike Drummond MD, Physician Burnout, Work Life Balance, Physician Coaching, time management


Work Life Balance – the #1 Life Balance Skill

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Work Life Balance is Simple when you havd a tool to tame the #800 Gorilla that is your career.

If all you carry is a work calendar, work will always dominate your time. In this video I show you how to create balance with a Life Calendar and the magic word this makes possible.

Tags: Dike Drummond MD, Work Life Balance, physician burnout treatment, time management


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