Your Personal Wellness Strategy Step One? Build your Ideal Job Description Here's How

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

In this blog post, I’ll share the secret to job, career, and life satisfaction for physicians, all distilled into one simple question and a two-circle Venn diagram.

Listen to this Podcast Here:

What is your Ideal Job Description?

By answering this one question and understanding your personal Venn of Happiness, you’ll have a clear Satisfaction Target for your practice, career, and life.

This is the core concept I teach all my physician coaching clients, and I’m excited to share it with you here as we kick off 2025.

Tags: physician wellness, physician wellbeing, physician practice satisfaction, physician quality of life, physician practice, physician ideal practice


Invest in Physician Wellbeing for a Triple Competitive Advantage

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The Business Case for Investing in Physician Wellbeing - a Triple Competitive Advantage for Your Organization

In this blog post let's look at what happens when you run physician burnout in reverse. Here's what I mean.

Tags: Physician Burnout, Physician Leadership, physician resilience, physician wellbeing


A Double New Year Wish for You and your Practice in 2024

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

I had a stroke ten days ago.

It was a miracle that the interventional neuro team was in the hospital at 3:30 AM and sucked the clot out of my middle cerebral artery in time.


These days I scuff my left foot a little more than my right and my left pinkie does not hit the "A" key with the same precision and I fully acknowledge I am one darn lucky fella.

And my attitude?

This brushback pitch from the grim reaper has doubled my dedication to my personal mission.

Tags: physician wellbeing


I had a stroke on Wednesday - here's what has changed

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Wednesday at 3 AM I woke up flopping around on my bedroom floor.

I had to pee and was unable to stand up from the bed so I slid myself onto the floor thinking it would be easier to get up from there.

Tags: physician wellbeing


Physician Wellbeing, Meaning and Purpose - why we Must do this work

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

A short lesson on why working ON your Practice rather than just IN it is so very important for Lightworkers like You and Me.

Tags: physician wellbeing


Physician Wellbeing Habit #2 Be the Eye of the Storm (CME)

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The hidden patterns in Physician Wellness

As a physician coach since 2010, I focus on helping physicians build a much better practice and become a much more effective leader.

At this point, I have been extremely fortunate to accumulate 40,000 doctors worth of coaching and training experience since 2010. It has been a rich and rewarding learning experience.

This perspective has revealed clear patterns  -- a set of habits nearly all happy, healthy physicians use to create and maintain that positive state, even in these very difficult times. Without these habits to protect your connection to Purpose as a Lightworker, physician burnout is a constant threat to you and your family. 

This is the latest in a series of posts about these Seven  Habits of Physician Wellbeing.

Tags: physician wellness, physician wellbeing


The 7 Habits of Physician Wellbeing

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

This is Blog Post #415 - The full library is Here

I launched my website and physician coaching practice back in 2010.

Since then our team has trained and coached over 40,000 doctors to recognize, prevent and recover from burnout.

Along the way, our work has revealed what I believe to be a universal set of habits that create a state of wellbeing and satisfaction in practicing physicians - no matter what your specialty or how many hats you wear at work.

Tags: physician wellness, physician wellbeing


Physician Wellness Comes First - It is the Foundation for Engagement and Performance

Posted by Dike Drummond MD


For over 50 years, hundreds of research studies have demonstrated this consistent hierarchy
Physician Wellness is the Foundation for Physician Engagement and Performance.

The Health, Happiness and Wellbeing of your Physicians and Staff will determine:

Their levels of Engagement and Satisfaction
The ease of Recruitment and the amount of Turnover in the patient care teams
The Quality of their care
The Quantity of care they can deliver
The Safety of that care and the number of Medical Errors
The level of Patient Satisfaction

[ and even the Net Promoter Score if that is what keeps you up at night ]



Tags: stop physician burnout, physician wellbeing


Two More States Pass Laws Protecting Physician Wellness Programs

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

No doctor should hesitate to participate in a Physician Wellness Program because of the risk of discoverability and judgement down the road.

  • What if the state medical board finds out?
  • What if my specialty society or the insurance companies that are our payors find out?

These should never be questions you worry about before you reach out for support.  With burnout rates of 40%+ and over 400 physician suicides a year in the USA alone, we must do all we can to remove barriers to doctors asking for and receiving support in their time of need.

Legislation to provide immunity to Wellness Program participants is an important piece of this effort.

Unfortunately, here in the USA, we are a nation of states. This immunity from discoverability will have to come via state laws.

Good News ...
there appears to be an immunity support wave building in state legislatures around the country. It is still early and now the count is three!

Tags: physician wellbeing


Healthcare ROCKS THE VOTE to Push Back on Politics as Usual in the USA

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

August 2020 is Civic Health Month - Healthcare Supporting Voting and Voter Registration in 2020

There is a new movement at the intersection of Medicine and Politics here in 2020.

Tags: physician wellbeing