Physician Burnout: The Four Horsemen of the Burnout Apocalypse
Physician Burnout is a constant, prevalent, looming threat over doctors everywhere.
The question is why?
Our work with thousands of over stressed physicians We have isolated one of the major invisible causes of physician burnout – the pervasive mental conditioning of our training process.
Call it the “brainwashing” of our medical education if you will
In this article I will show you four “flavors” of this conditioning – how and why they develop and how they contribute to our physician burnout epidemic.
The Four Causes of Physician Burnout Video Training
Some of the causes of physician burnout are hidden deeply in our subconscious -- beneath the surface of what would appear to be normal behaviors -- in a series of true blind spots in our awareness.
Blind Spot
= something you can't see that you can't see -- something you don't know you don't know
The Conditioning of our Medical Education is one of these blind spots. Until you learn to recognize this brainwashing, it will drive your behavior and cause physician burnout in powerful ways. Let me show you your doctor conditioning.