And here is what I mean by "work". You choose a retreat - rather than a straight vacation - because you are longing for something to change about your practice.
But three months after your retreat experience, you look around and notice nothing is any different. Nothing has changed. It is the same old grind and the same feelings of "I don't know how much longer I can keep going like this".
You eventually admit you are still stuck in Einstein's Insanity definition. ARRRGGGHHH
Here's why that happens.
The average physician wellness retreat experience is not designed to create a lasting, positive change in your practice or your life
1) Most retreats are simple "get aways" with a little content thrown in and no follow up support. They are 90% vacation with 10% of "wellness" content thrown in.
When you get back home you are somewhat more rested, but have no plan to take different actions. You remain trapped in the jaws of Einstein's Insanity Definition.
2) Most retreat leaders have no experience in coaching physicians and physician leaders in practice change. They might give a talk or two "about" burnout, or even reviewed the literature in great depth, but they have never actually rolled up their sleeves and helped a practicing doctor turn things around.
So most physician wellness retreats are just a momentary pause in the downward spiral. You get your lips above the surface of the water long enough to take a big breath ... only to start sinking once again.

1) This is a complete practice/life change technology. We are in our fourth year delivering the retreat and have honed it into a proven system. Here is what one of last year's participants has to say:
"The Heart of the Healer retreat was pivotal for me in so many ways. I'm just watching things come together, dealing with struggles and setbacks in a totally different way, unraveling the deep pain of decades of burnout and self-neglect and knowing I am more than strong enough. I'm watching things happen in my family that I never thought were possible, and feeling tremendous love.
I realize that going back into my specialty on my terms is the next step - to see what happens with renewed (and seemingly unlimited) energy, clear boundaries, and unblocked compassion for colleagues and patients. I'm curious to see where this leads me..."
~ A. B. MD (more testimonials at this link )
2) Your retreat leader (yours truly) has over 2000 hours of one on one coaching experience with physicians. I have rolled up my sleeves and supported hundreds of physicians in making positive changes in their practices and lives to recover from burnout.
I wrote the book and have trained over 15,000 physicians in over 60 private training events for organizations and associations in the last two years alone. Now you and I have the opportunity to build a way out of your situation in a small group of like-minded physicians using all of your creative juices and my experience as a coach. I have rolled up my sleeves with hundreds of doctors and supported their permanent escape from the Insanity Trap.
3) We teach over 117 field-tested ways to prevent burnout and become a more skillful leader. This is a smorgasbord you can choose from to build your own personal burnout prevention strategy. Everything has been tested in the real world and we know these tools will work for you.
4) You will leave this retreat with a detailed, personal action plan with your first step clearly identified and plans to deal with the most likely obstacle to your success.
5) We have a full support program to keep you moving forward on your plan, including a dedicated online support forum and group coaching calls. You get the support you need when you need it most. We won't let the whirlwind of your practice overwhelm you when you return home.
Heart of the Healer Physician Retreat is an annual event open to our members each year in Seattle and other select locations
(Full details on this year's retreat are at this link)
If you really want to make a change in your practice this year - lower stress, build balance and a more Ideal Practice - so at Christmas time you can look back and be grateful for how very different things feel ... I invite you ...
a) Look over the retreat with a fine toothed comb.
b) Use this Contact Form to ask me your biggest question. I will respond directly to you personally.
c) Register to save your seat. Seating is always limited to ensure maximal attention to each member of our small group.
Click Here for complete information on the next Heart of the Healer Retreat Experience
That's all for now.
I hope to meet you personally in our next, fully guaranteed physician wellness retreat and until then ...
Keep breathing and have a great rest of your day,

Dike Drummond MD
CEO and Founder, TheHappyMD.com