Stop Physician Overwhelm: The Decommitment Strategy You Never Knew You Needed

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Listen to the PODCAST

In the whirlwind of your normal week, just notice all the roles and responsibilities you don't remember taking on—you you don't remember saying YES, but you know for sure you didn't say NO either.

In this lesson, you'll discover the superpower of DECOMMITMENT

How to recognize and release these roles quickly and respectfully and get on to focusing your life and your practice on the things you really want.

Let me show you a simple way to decommit from places where you've been overextended mindlessly and get back to what's really important in your life.


Your Personal Wellness Strategy Step One? Build your Ideal Job Description Here's How

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

In this episode, I’ll share the secret to job, career, and life satisfaction for physicians, all distilled into one simple question and a two-circle Venn diagram.

Listen to this Podcast Here:

What is your Ideal Job Description?

By answering this one question and understanding your personal Venn of Happiness, you’ll have a clear Satisfaction Target for your practice, career, and life.

This is the core concept I teach all my physician coaching clients, and I’m excited to share it with you here as we kick off 2025.

Tags: physician wellness, physician wellbeing, physician practice satisfaction, physician quality of life, physician practice, physician ideal practice


How to Take a Real Two-Week Vacation and Recharge as a Physician

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Optimal health for a physician hinges on regular, meaningful breaks from the whirlwind of practice.

LISTEN to this BLOG - The PODCAST Is Here

One of the most effective ways to do this is by taking a two-week vacation—every single year. Yet, American doctors stand out globally as the only group of physicians who don’t regularly prioritize this essential practice.

In this episode, I’ll explain:

  1. Why American doctors struggle to take extended breaks.
  2. A step-by-step formula to book and enjoy a real two-week vacation without sabotaging yourself.
  3. How to use this time to reset your energy, recharge your reserves, and restore your enthusiasm for being a helper, healer, and light worker.

Let’s get started.


Head's Up - 10 Healthcare Industry Headwinds for All Physician Leaders in 2025

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

In this final episode of 2024, let’s take a look ahead into 2025 and explore 10 system-level challenges that will impact the U.S. healthcare industry—and each of us as physician leaders. These challenges will likely affect your healthcare system, your teams, and your ability to lead effectively in the coming year.

This is a high-level overview to help you anticipate and prepare for these headwinds. Consider it a roadmap to keep you alert to the early signs of these challenges so you’re ready to respond.

What’s Ahead in 2025?

Recently, Becker’s Hospital Review published an article titled “10 Headwinds for Healthcare Systems in 2025”. I thought it was a solid summary, and I know these issues will directly impact physician leaders, healthcare organizations, and staff. Here are the 10 key challenges:

Tags: Physician Leadership, healthcare industry


Don’t Blow Up in Leadership Meetings: Why It Happens and Exactly What to Say Instead

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Have you ever been in a serious leadership conversation when, suddenly, the hair on the back of your neck stood up, and you felt things going off the rails? That surge of frustration, anger, or even fury is unmistakable. You know something is wrong, and if you're not careful, those emotions might lead you to say or do something that damages your leadership credibility.

In today's episode, I’m going to show you:

  1. The specific topics that trigger these intense emotions for physician leaders.
  2. What to say and what not to say to guide the conversation back to a balanced resolution.
  3. How to recognize and manage your emotions so you can maintain your influence and leadership effectiveness.

Let’s get started.

Tags: Physician Leadership


Don't be Evil - the Insurance CEO murder teaches us Physician Leadership Rule #1

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

This is a transcript of Stop Physician Burnout PODCAST # 123

In America, it’s been two weeks since Luigi Mangione was arrested for the murder of Brian Thompson, CEO of a major U.S. health insurance company. The public reaction to this murder and arrest has made it abundantly clear that the American people understand the hypocrisy at the heart of healthcare.

This has direct implications for you, as a leader in the healthcare industry. In this episode, you'll learn how to stay on the right side of ethics and karma. You’ll discover how to be seen as a good leader, a shining light amidst the dysfunction of U.S. healthcare.

Tags: Physician Leadership


Invest in Physician Wellbeing for a Triple Competitive Advantage

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The Business Case for Investing in Physician Wellbeing - a Triple Competitive Advantage for Your Organization

In this blog post let's look at what happens when you run physician burnout in reverse. Here's what I mean.

Tags: Physician Burnout, Physician Leadership, physician resilience, physician wellbeing


Stop Physician Burnout with this Four-Bucket Corporate Wellness Strategy

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Let’s cut straight to the chase. Physician burnout isn’t a problem you can solve.

It’s a never-ending balancing act—a dilemma, not a problem. And if you’re trying to fix it - wasting time looking for a one-shot solution, you’re already losing ground.

The only way forward is with a strategy. A sustainable, adaptable approach that addresses burnout at both the personal and organizational levels.

Let me show you our proven, four-part corporate physician wellness strategy that that can be installed in any healthcare organization in a single day. This isn’t theory. This is a battle-tested plan that works, simple enough to sketch on the back of a napkin. Let’s dive in.

Tags: physician wellness, Physician Burnout, Burnout prevention strategy


Physician Leaders: The US Healthcare Industry is Collapsing - Here's what you can do.

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Join us to lead the movement away from today's short staffing, overwhelm and hypocrisy to a true Health Care System that makes sense - while there is still time.

Let me show you how to become a four-tool physician leader - and play a bigger role in building the future of healthcare.
Listen or Watch - only 7:54

Stop Physician Burnout Podcast #106
Mastering Physician Leadership - Become a 4 -Tool Leader to join the best of the best.

Tags: physician wellness, Physician Coaching, Physician Leadership


EMR A.I. Virtual Scribes, and Physician Burnout: A Short-Term Gain with Future Fallout

Posted by Dike Drummond MD


The promise of AI scribes sounds like a dream come true and it will be, just not for long

We are in the early adoption phase at the peak of the hype cycle. The vision of having your computer write the note for you with faster workflows, and more time for patient care is soooo enticing.

But as with any game-changing technology, there’s a catch: it’s a double-edged sword. The leading edge cuts your daily workload magnificently, but the trailing edge—the industry’s inevitable response to your increased productivity—is a clear and obvious danger to physicians in ways we can’t yet imagine.

  • How the virtual scribe programs are trained and how they will change your work flow.
  • Why they might save you up to 50% of the time you now spend on visit notes.
  • How the industry will respond to this increase in productivity.
  • And why I fear for a future that holds deeper and darker sources of burnout than just the exhaustion of documentation.

Tags: physician wellness, Physician Leadership, stop physician burnout, pajama time, emr documentation burden, AI Notewriting software for doctors, Documentation burden, Electronic medical records, Electronic health record