Boomer Doctor Retirement CLIFF + AI will either focus the industry on wellness or crush us all

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

physician-burnout-prevention-video-opt-150wThe boomer doctor retirement cliff will decimate the US physician Workforce between now and 2030.

Learn what to watch out for - and what you must start doing now - to implement a Physician Wellness Strategy while there's still time

Watch these short outtakes from our recent Wellness Champion Summit Webinar

1) What is the Boomer Doc retirement cliff? Is it really that bad? Does AI at the same time make things better or worse?

0:00 The Boomer Doc Retirement Cliff
3:22 Four recent statistics make things MUCH Worse
5:32 The ratio that doubles the physician shortage in 2030
10:38 The cracks are already visible - the "rooming in" crisis in Emergency Departments
15:24 Every Institution will be focused on these two things very soon
16:18 How to WIN in this environment
16:54 The Triple Competitive Advantage of Physician Wellbeing
20:23 The short-term massive benefit of Note-Writing A.I. Software
20:37 How note-writing A.I. works and a walk-thru of a typical patient encounter


  • References for all the studies mentioned in the videos are in this document

  • Our crisis hotline optimization checklist is here

  • If you would like a note writing AI pilot project for your people contact me with this link

  • Learn more ... Let's Connect and discuss a corporate wellness strategy for you and your people


2) A workable corporate burnout prevention strategy, that can be implemented in a single day - the Quadruple Aim Blueprint.


3) Why I recorded this webinar and your best next step.
(HINT: let's connect)

Learn more ... Let's Connect and discuss a corporate wellness strategy for you and your people


4) Who is Dike Drummond MD and where is this all coming from?



Please Leave a Comment

  • Please convince me I'm wrong about the smoking crater ahead of us in the US Physician Healthcare Workforce.
  • Does your organization have a corporate Physician Wellness strategy?
  • If so, is it making a difference?
  • When do you plan on retiring?



Tags: physician wellness, Physician Burnout, physician workforce, physician shortage, physician retirement, Boomer doctor retirement cliff, AI Notewriting software for doctors, corporate physician wellness strategy