Dike Drummond MD

Recent Posts

Stop Physician Burnout - This Master Plan will Take Back Your Practice

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

You always have the power to build a more Ideal Practice

What varies is your ability to see this fact - especially when physician burnout has you in Survival Mode. Once you have a clear target - your Ideal Job Description ... you can line up the steps to take your practice back with your Master Plan.

Tags: stop physician burnout


Quadruple Aim Physician Leadership Retreat April 13-16, 2023 LIVE on ZOOM

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The Current 63% Physician Burnout Rate Points to a Massive Leadership Failure in US Healthcare. These Physician Wellness Champions Will Lead the Way Back to Caring for the Caregivers

TheHappyMD.com is pleased to announce the 12th edition of our Quadruple Aim Physician Leadership Retreat [QAPLR], April 13 – 16, 2023 Live on ZOOM.

This Physician Wellness Champion Master Class has produced 240 graduates to date, leading the wellness strategy of organizations on four continents.

Quadruple Aim Physician Leadership Retreat, LIVE on ZOOM, April 13-16, 2023. All the tools and support to be an Effective Wellness Champion for your people.

Tags: stop physician burnout


Step One to Take Your Practice Back

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Stressed or burned out by your practice whirlwind - here is step one to take your practice back

This is part 3 of our
Take Back Your Practice Video Training Series
Lesson 1: Lightworker vs. the Whirlwind is Here
Lesson 2: Origins of the Whirlwind and Your Way Forward is Here

The current 63% physician burnout rate is a sure sign we are losing the battle between your Lightworker mission to be a helper and a healer ... and the Whirlwind of your job.

  • Your current job description is nothing more than an expression of your employers Revenue Model.
  • The day-to-day of your practice routine was never designed to satisfy your personal Ideal Job Description.

Learn how to take your practice back.

We have taught thousands of physicians this three-step process to build a more Ideal Practice since 2010.

Here is Step One:

Tags: stop physician burnout


Stop Physician Burnout - how to reach out to a colleague in distress

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Physician Burnout - how to reach out to a colleague in distress - [VIDEO TRAINING]

If you could save someone's life in a two minute conversation, would you speak up?

The situation I am talking about isn't even really a conversation most of the time. It is just you, caring enough to ask a question. If all it took was a question to save a person's life, would you ask it?

Would you ask even if it feels awkward, takes what feels like courage, might make them uncomfortable and you are not sure what to do if they reach back to you for support?

Tags: Physician Burnout


Machine Learning 97% Accurate in Predicting Which Physicians Will Quit

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

How did the Machines figure that out and what difference will it make?

With physician burnout rates over 60% these days and physician turnover everywhere, is this ability to flag you as a Flight Risk useful at all?

In this post, let's explore the following questions
  • What is Machine Learning and why is it so accurate?
  • What will your leaders do with this red flag? Will it do anything to help you or them take any new actions?
  • How many ways can surveillance like this be misused?
  • And I will take a first pass at all the questions this new development raises.

The Origins of Your Practice Overwhelm - the Drivers of the Whirlwind

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Let me show you the origins of the whirlwind of practice overwhelm that is responsible for today's 63% physician burnout rate.

In the last post, we showed you the nature of this battle for your heart, mind, body and soul ... and why we are losing. 

In this post let me show you the forces that created your current Practice Whirlwind ... the hidden drivers of every keystroke, mouse click and frustrating meeting you must attend in your current job.

If doctors are the "frog in the boiling pot", this is the fire underneath. 

Need Support Right Away?
Book a Discovery Session with one of our Physician Coaches
No Cost, No Obligation, Completely Confidential

The chaos and overwhelm of your current job is simple to understand when you realize your job was never designed for you.

  • It was not constructed to meet your practice goals
  • Or match your career desires
  • Over 90% of physicians were never involved in the design of their current job description

If you don't understand who is in charge right now and learn how to take back your practice ... burnout is basically inevitable at some point in your career. 

Watch To Learn:
The Origin Story of Your Practice Whirlwind

Tags: stop physician burnout


The Lightworker vs. the Whirlwind - 63% Burnout Means We are Losing this Battle

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The Lightworker vs. the Whirlwind

Physicians are losing the battle between their Lightworker Essence and the Whirlwind of the modern practice of medicine.

How do we know this?

The most recent national physician burnout prevalence study shows an all time high 63% burnout rate. Remember, this survey is a snapshot. What it means is 63% of doctors were "suffering from at least one symptom of burnout" on the day they took the survey.

Our Burnout Proof MD 
3- Layer Physician Support Ecosystem 
Learn More Here

In the 6 minute video below, let me show you new ways of recognizing and preventing your own burnout ... and why I am optimistic you can take back your practice here in 2023.

Tags: stop physician burnout


Your 2023 Physician Career: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze?

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Every week, dozens of physicians contact us or join our community here at TheHappyMD.com.

All of them are concerned about the little voice that says, "I'm not sure how much longer I can keep going like this."

These are the people who have been able to step around the main blocks to recognizing burnout - the physician's two prime directives.

  • The Patient Comes First
  • Never Show Weakness 

These doctors are the tip of the iceberg.

They are disobeying the programming of our medical education to ask for support. For every doctor that asks for help, there are hundreds, equally distressed, who are living the reality of Einstein's Insanity Trap. 

Remember, the most recent burnout survey shows daily prevalence of physician burnout is over 60% here in 2023.

Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet
With our 10-Question Breakthrough Worksheet

So let me ask a question from a different perspective.

Tags: stop physician burnout


If Dr. Seuss wrote your Advanced Directive - MUST SEE

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Here is a funny, sweet, heartfelt, rhyming Advanced Directive written in the style of Theodor Geisel -- AKA Dr. Seuss

Please invest 5:27 right now in watching this lovely, lovely experience


Stop Physician Burnout - The Lightworker's Dilemma

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Burnout Has its Roots in a Choice You Made a Long Time Ago ... You Chose to Be a Lightworker

Physicians, NP's, PA's, Nurses, MA's ... anyone who touches patients in the course of their job ... we are a Tribe of Lightworkers -- and that has consequences.

This is Blog Post #283

Complete Blog Library is Here

Remember back when you decided to go to medical school?

Remember that fork in the road? 

You could apply to medical school. OR you could do literally anything else.

You looked in the mirror and recognized you were not like a lot of your friends in school.

  • You are smart, quick and enjoy challenges.
  • You had really good grades and knew you could work harder than almost anyone else.
  • As you contemplated the challenge of medical school, you felt you've got what it takes.
  • And you felt called to make a difference; to be a helper and  healer.
  • You knew this was an extraordinary choice, because so few people came with you to a career in medicine.
  • You hoped this choice would enable you to have an extraordinary life.

You chose to be a LIGHTWORKER and here we are

From that choice point forward, you allied your professional life with the forces of LIGHT in the universe, as we battle specific forces of darkness:

  • Illness
  • Suffering
  • Death and dying
  • and family member's crazed attempts to deal with those things.

No matter what stage of your career you are in now, we can agree the choice to become a doctor had a life-long series of unintended consequences. We had only a small understanding of what was in store for us. 

In this blog post let me show you
1) A deeper understanding of some of the most difficult aspects of being a doctor 
2) And six of our most popular tools to maintain your energy, faith and empathy when things get tough.


Tags: stop physician burnout