Dike Drummond MD

Recent Posts

US Healthcare Industry in 2030? - Get Out Your Crystal Ball (CME)

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

What do you think the US healthcare industry will look and feel like in 2023?

If you want to call US Healthcare a "system" today, what will that "system" look like in the year 2030 and how will it handle the healthcare needs of an older, sicker population?

With nearly everyone calling for system change and reform, "burn it to the ground" and more ... let's look at the demographics of the US Physician Workforce and imagine healthcare in 2030.

Here's my crystal ball. What is does yours look like?


I am not exactly sure WHAT will happen, and I believe I have some clarity on HOW it will go down.

[ CME link is at the bottom of this blog post ]

Tags: stop physician burnout


Short Staffing and Physician Burnout - Beware the Boomer Retirement Cliff

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The Shortest Path to Healthcare Profit is also the Shortest Path to Physician Burnout.

This cartoon/meme is the most powerful way to illustrate it.

Tags: stop physician burnout


Stop Physician Suicide Part 2: Reaching out to suicidal physician colleague (CME)

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Preventing Physician Suicide Part 2:

Reaching out to a suicidal physician colleague

[ Part 1 - The First-Person Experience of Suicidal Ideation - is here ]
[ Part 3 - Coaching a suicidal physician client - is here ]

Unfortunately, we cannot stop all physician suicides for two simple reasons.

  • Doctors are too good at hiding their struggle and distress. Our "never show weakness" programming is so very strong.

  • We know the anatomy and physiology, so doctors are very good at themselves.

What we can do is reach out to any of our colleagues who appear to be struggling.  

In this post you will learn:

~ How to recognize the signs and symptoms of burnout and suicidal ideation

~ A proven method to reach out to that friend/colleague, simply and effectively 

The end result is lives will be saved that would be lost without your caring and outreach.

Tags: stop physician burnout, physician suicide, physicians on purpose podcast


Suicidal Ideation - the First-Person Experience (CME)

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Preventing Physician Suicide Part 1:

Recognizing You Are At Risk

The First-Person Experience of Suicidal Ideation

[ Part 2 - Reaching Out to a Suicidal Physician Colleague - is here ]
[ Part 3 - Coaching a suicidal physician client - is here ]

The first step in preventing physician suicide is recognizing a clear and present danger of suicide in an individual person - be that you or someone else.

This recognition comes in two parts.

First Person:
You recognize when you are in danger, step back and get support.

Second Person:
You recognize someone else is - or may be - at risk and reach out to offer support.

  • In this podcast we will explore the First-Person experience of suicidal ideation, so you can understand what happens on the inside when suicide risk is high.

  • In Part 2 we will explore how to recognize suicide risk in a colleague and reach out to them to offer support. 

  • In Part 3 we will discuss how a physician coach works effectively with a suicidal physician client

Do you need help and support right now?
Connect with one of our physician coaches 
In a Free Discovery Sessionphysician coach for physician burnout

Watch or listen as
Pam Pappas MD and Penelope Hsu MD - two of our coaches at TheHappyMD.com share these life saving tools.

Tags: stop physician burnout, physician suicide, physicians on purpose podcast


Become the Eye of the Storm With this Guided Meditation (CME)

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Eye of the Storm Lessons - this is your home base. 

#2 of the Seven Habits of Physician Wellbeing is "Be the Eye of the Storm".

Most of us are so used to being hassled, harried, overwhelmed and bothered by the WHIRLWIND of the day-to-day practice of medicine -- that the ability to remain calm seems ridiculous or like a distant fantasy.

That is exactly why I created "The Lake" Guided Meditation to help you find your way back.
You can listen or download the audio below.

Tags: Dike Drummond MD, Mindfulness, stop physician burnout


Physician Wellbeing Habit #2 Be the Eye of the Storm (CME)

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The hidden patterns in Physician Wellness

As a physician coach since 2010, I focus on helping physicians build a much better practice and become a much more effective leader.

At this point, I have been extremely fortunate to accumulate 40,000 doctors worth of coaching and training experience since 2010. It has been a rich and rewarding learning experience.

This perspective has revealed clear patterns  -- a set of habits nearly all happy, healthy physicians use to create and maintain that positive state, even in these very difficult times. Without these habits to protect your connection to Purpose as a Lightworker, physician burnout is a constant threat to you and your family. 

This is the latest in a series of posts about these Seven  Habits of Physician Wellbeing.

Tags: physician wellness, physician wellbeing


How to talk to the C-Suite about Physician Wellness (CME)

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

As working conditions in the front-lines of healthcare continue to deteriorate, you may choose to speak up to your senior leaders.

What can you say to make them take notice and do something about the overwhelm, short staffing, burnout and the digital overload of the average work day?

Do you trust yourself to talk with your CMO about these issues without losing your temper?

Let me show you a power question that actually allows you to see the future of your organization.

I have discussed physician wellness and corporate burnout prevention strategy with nearly 1000 leadership teams since 2010. Here are the strategy and questions I use in these crucial conversations.

The answer to the first question below will give you two important insights:

  • Is my practice safe here in the long term?
  • Will this organization survive the boomer doctor retirement cliff and still be in business in 2030?

Tags: physician wellness


The 7 Habits of Physician Wellbeing

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

This is Blog Post #415 - The full library is Here

I launched my website and physician coaching practice back in 2010.

Since then our team has trained and coached over 40,000 doctors to recognize, prevent and recover from burnout.

Along the way, our work has revealed what I believe to be a universal set of habits that create a state of wellbeing and satisfaction in practicing physicians - no matter what your specialty or how many hats you wear at work.

Tags: physician wellness, physician wellbeing


The central role your job plays in physician quality of life

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

When optimizing physician wellbeing and happiness, it helps to view a doctor's life in four layers: 


Let's look at them one at a time so we can see where the typical block to a physician's happiness lies.

Tags: physician wellness, physician quality of life


The One Question that Reveals Your Level of Physician Wellness

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Six Weeks to a More Satisfying Practice

Our Group Coaching Program Begins Monday August 14th
Learn More and Join Us

Just one question and a deep breath can give you the key metric for your personal level of physician wellness.

This question is worded to ask your heart and soul to calculate the balance between ...

  • The daily time and energy you devote to your job
  • The meaning, purpose and impact those efforts create
  • Your level of life balance
  • R.O.I. - as in "is this worth all I do - and everything I have done to get here"?

All of this is bundled into the question below:

Tags: physician wellness