Preventing Physician Suicide Part 2:
Reaching out to a suicidal physician colleague
[ Part 1 - The First-Person Experience of Suicidal Ideation - is here ]
[ Part 3 - Coaching a suicidal physician client - is here ]
Unfortunately, we cannot stop all physician suicides for two simple reasons.
- Doctors are too good at hiding their struggle and distress. Our "never show weakness" programming is so very strong.
- We know the anatomy and physiology, so doctors are very good at themselves.
What we can do is reach out to any of our colleagues who appear to be struggling.
In this post you will learn:
~ How to recognize the signs and symptoms of burnout and suicidal ideation
~ A proven method to reach out to that friend/colleague, simply and effectively
The end result is lives will be saved that would be lost without your caring and outreach.