Doctor Patient Communication – The Universal Upset Patient Protocol
A 6-step structured conversation to deal with upset and angry patients simply, quickly and empathetically.
Posted by Dike Drummond MD
A 6-step structured conversation to deal with upset and angry patients simply, quickly and empathetically.
Tags: Physician Coaching, doctor patient communication
READ MORE NOW >>>Two surveys in the last three years show a remarkable transformation of the US physician population.
With this gender shift in full swing, you would think unconscious gender bias against women would be rolling towards extinction ... right? Not so in my experience (and yours too I suspect).
Tags: stop physician burnout, Bias and Discrimination
READ MORE NOW >>>Here are 4 signs of the rapidly approaching Thelma and Louise moment for healthcare.
AND what you need to do to protect your practice and your livelihood NOW
Imagine YOU were a doctor working within one of the systems below, when the hammer came down. Each of these macro events instantly destroys the performance of your care team and your practice EVERY TIME !
DON'T just sit there waiting for the pink slip that kicks you to the curb without warning.
Tags: stop physician burnout
READ MORE NOW >>>Here's a 3 minute video to show you how and why this habit is the key to both your practice satisfaction and the prevention of physician burnout.
Tags: stop physician burnout
READ MORE NOW >>>We have developed a structured method to help them recover from burnout through a laser focus on new actions aimed at building their Ideal Practice.
Tags: stop physician burnout, medical education
READ MORE NOW >>>My recovery?
Physically I have some very mild left hand and left leg weakness
Congnitively I am back to normal and perhaps even better than before in some ways.
The big change is in my heart, my spirit and my moment-to-moment perceptions of reality and priority.
This brush with mortality - no one gets out of here alive, remember? - has placed a shimmer on all my senses and the scent of gratitude on every waking experience.
Tags: stop physician burnout
READ MORE NOW >>>For true servant leaders,
TRUST comes before all else.
Any action you take
or word you speak or write
that destroys Trust
destroys your people's willingness to be lead by you.
Tags: Physician Leadership
READ MORE NOW >>>It was a miracle that the interventional neuro team was in the hospital at 3:30 AM and sucked the clot out of my middle cerebral artery in time.
These days I scuff my left foot a little more than my right and my left pinkie does not hit the "A" key with the same precision and I fully acknowledge I am one darn lucky fella.
And my attitude?
This brushback pitch from the grim reaper has doubled my dedication to my personal mission.
Tags: physician wellbeing
READ MORE NOW >>>PHYSICIANS: I urge you do not conflate your career and your identity.
You are not your job / practice.
The conditions of your employment and your response/reaction to them are lessons learned.
You make the meaning in those experiences and are able to stay or walk away.
Don't fall victim to this fusion and give in to despair.
Tags: stop physician burnout
READ MORE NOW >>>CME MONEY LEFT that you MUST SPEND before the end of the year ?
Invest those dollars in building a More Ideal Practice in the year ahead with our world-class lineup of support services at every price point.
You will find books, online trainings, our support community, one-on-one coaching and two retreat options below.
If you have any questions about any of these options, contact me here.
Tags: stop physician burnout
READ MORE NOW >>>The first Field Manual to a more Ideal Practice - 40,000 copies in print.
Over 235 ways to prevent physician burnout inside.
CLICK HERE to learn more and get your FREE copy
~ Physician Burnout – Why It’s NOT a Fair Fight
~ Physician Burnout Symptoms Differ in Women and Men
~ Physician Burnout's Highest and Best Use
~ Pathophysiology and Treatment of Burnout
~ Physician Wellness - Two Ways to Tell If Your Group Cares
~ Burnout vs. the Bottom Line - the Epic Battle
~ Physician Burnout - Who Will Save Us?
~ 3 Reasons Doctors Make Lousy Leaders and What You Can Do About It
~ Monthly Staff Meeting Power Up and Team Venting process
~ Employed Physician's Guide to Managing Your Boss
~ Disruptive Physician's Toolkit
"I started to feel better about my life within a couple weeks of beginning our conversations. I knew that I had an ally and friend. I realized that my feelings were predictable based on my circumstances, that I was “normal”. For the first time in years I had real hope that things would change for the better.
We worked together to find and interview for a new position in the worst job market for my specialty the recruiters have ever experienced. With Dike’s help and persistent positive attitude, I found a new position at a group that really cares about the doctors and I start in two weeks.
For me, the program has been worth everything. It has enabled me to emerge from my depression, change my toxic work situation, improve my home and family life, and allow myself to be happy and realize that I deserve to be happy.”
~ Anonymous MD
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