Dike Drummond MD

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Stop Physician Burnout - 4 steps to build a Better Day Off

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

How many times have you looked forward to a day off work - a nirvana of rest, relaxation, recuperation, leisure, pleasure and la dolce vita?

And instead you ended up just powering through the list of busy work around the house you've been saving up for weeks ...

Catch up on the laundry, clean the house, balance the checkbook, do your taxes, hit the grocery store, mow your lawn, get a haircut ... and fall into a heap at the end of the day feeling no less rested than when you left work yesterday.

That's a crappy day off

Actually it is not a day off at all. It is just another day on a different punch list. It's another day on a different hamster wheel.  And it does not have to be that way.

Here are four steps to transform your days off from catch-up marathons or a haze of simple recuperation -  to true life balance. 


Get the Tools and Support to Take Back Your Practice NOW
JOIN US in the BurnoutProofMD 3-Layer Physician Support ECOSYSTEM
Our 5 Top Video Trainings, 2 Hours of Weekly Drop-In Group Coaching, 100 CME Credits
AND the full support of a tribe of like-minded physicians - all of us on the same journey.
Learn More and Start Your 30-Day Completely FREE TRIAL



Tags: Physician Burnout, Work Life Balance


The SuperPower of Gratitude

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Gratitude is a SuperPower you carry with you all the time

In the Battle with Physician Burnout .... Gratitude is an energy shield that provides faith and fuel to keep going, especially in tough times.

WATCH this 3 minute video to activate your own gratitude superpower abilities.


Tags: Gratitude


The Take Back Your Practice Blog Post Series

Posted by Dike Drummond MD


These six blog posts will give you a new frame of reference for the predicament of the employee physician in today's chaotic healthcare industry.

You'll be able to orient yourself to how and why things got this bad and what you can do take back your practice 

I will show you multiple ways to take back your autonomy and build a more ideal job - with enough wiggle room for you to enjoy a fulfilling practice.

FIRST: here is my personal invitation for you to come in from the cold.

Get the Tools and Support to Take Back Your Practice NOW
JOIN US in the BurnoutProofMD 3-Layer Physician Support Ecosystem
All the tools and support to get home sooner, build more life balance, manage your boss and build a more Ideal Job
with the full support of a tribe of like-minded physicians - all of us on the same journey.
Learn More and Start Your 30-Day Completely FREE TRIAL

Tags: stop physician burnout


Two-Part Strategy for Physician Practice Satisfaction [ HTW + WTP ]

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Today and every day in the USA, over 50% of American Physicians are suffering from at least one symptom of burnout.

What word would you use to describe this situation to someone who doesn't work in healthcare?

Sad <> Tragic <> Criminal <> Crazy <> Unfortunate??

How about this ... ABSURD.

How can you take an entire generation of the best and brightest and grind half of them down to the point where their performance is impaired and their lives at risk - every single day - and carry on as if this is normal.

There's only one conclusion we can make ...


There must be something toxic - in some cases, deadly - about the current practice of medicine for physicians. 

It's as if each of us is a coal miner and your employer refuses to give you a respirator, then blames you for your black lung disease - or a construction worker without a hard hat - or a policeman without a bulletproof vest.

This blog post let me teach you a two-part strategy to TAKE YOUR PRACTICE BACK.

A proven path back to a practice you enjoy, one that will keep you happy and smiling about your decision to become a physician in the first place.

Tags: stop physician burnout


Employee Physician Job #1 Creating an Equitable Exchange of Value

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

As an employee physician, your relationship with your job begins when you sign your contract.

Your contract is a legal arrangement known in Latin as a quid pro quo. It's an agreement that each party is going to do something for the other.

Tags: employee physician


As a Physician Coach we really don't focus on Physician Burnout

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

I have a confession to make.

14 years ago I launched my physician coaching website here at TheHappyMD.com. Since that time I've devoted every hour of my professional life to helping my fellow Lightworkers avoid my fate.

I crashed and burned out of my family practice at the age of 40 and wandered in the wilderness for a decade before becoming certified as a coach and finding this path back to being a helper and healer to my physician brothers and sisters. 40,000 doctors later, its time to let you know a key to our success.


In all of my work as a physician coach, we really don't focus much at all on physician burnout.

We spend as little time as possible on burnout before we put it to its highest and best use.

Tags: Physician Coaching, stop physician burnout


Physician Take Back Your Practice - STOP acting like a Good Resident

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Most people believe that your medical education sets you up to be a successful practicing physician.

Unfortunately that is not true.

Today's 63% physician burnout rate should give us some clue, that our traditional medical education does not guarantee a successful practicing physician.

Investing your 20's to complete the slog through medical school, residency and fellowship does produce two consistent outcomes.

1) You learn the bare minimum to practice in your specialty.
I say bare minimum because no one graduates from the education process completely capable of practicing independently - especially with the work hour restrictions of today's residency programs. The breadth of the knowledge base in any specialty is so large now and yet the number of available teaching hours within residency programs has been cut by 1/3 compared to residencies before work hour restrictions were put in place.

2) You are also taught - and subconsciously conditioned - to be a good resident.

The complete medical education process takes from 7 to 16 years. At the end of that marathon, everyone who survives is programmed to be a great resident.

  • Fortunately for the industrial practice of medicine, great residents make compliant employees.

  • Unfortunately for the graduating physician, the same conditioning sets us up for burnout in the first place - especially since 73% of physicians become employees these days.


Residency is not about success in your future practice.

Tags: resident burnout, stop physician burnout


The Camel Fears the Last Straw - Don't Make This Mistake

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Listening to doctors on the internet, there's so much doubt, second-guessing and escapism - dreaming of side gigs and non-clinical jobs and more.

Some even go as far as questioning their choice to go into medicine in the first place.

For most, giving up your medical career would be a classic error in judgment you will always regret.

The core reason for wanting to escape your current reality is our shared loss of autonomy as practicing Physicians. Over the last 25 years we've seen a generational loss of control over all aspects of your practice - the structure of your team and the contents of the hours of your work day.

How did this happen?

The single source of this tragedy is the shift in Physician's relationship with their job.

Today 73% of American doctors are employees - you probably are too.

In just one generation we've gone from physician partners and owners to simple cogs in the machine of the healthcare industry - RVU generators and nothing more.


Physicians: How to  Build Your Ideal Practice and Eliminate Fear of Failure in the Process

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The key to building a more Ideal Practice is a clear target for your efforts.

Think of it as a Bullseye in an archery range where you aim yourself at the heart of a new and better on-the-job reality.

In this short physician video training lesson, let me show you a two-step process to get crystal clear on your Ideal Practice "target" and take the steps to build a better Job, Practice and Career.

Along the way I will show you how to completely eliminate any fear of failure.

Tags: stop physician burnout, ideal practice


Is now a threshold moment for Physicians, the End of Our Beginning?

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Are you feeling it too?

Something has definitely shifted into a new, unstable and uncertain tilt
and there appears to be no going back. 

Is THIS ...  is the post-Covid "New Normal"?

Tags: physician quality of life