Dike Drummond MD

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Save 1 Million Clicks a Day With One Simple Change

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Stop Physician Burnout: Save a Million Clicks a Day With This One Simple Change

Every day, all over the world, physicians waste time and energy on EMR and other documentation tasks that completely obstruct our ability to provide a quality patient encounter.

I am talking about things we are forced to do on the computer that are a COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME

These are computer tasks everyone knows add no value whatsoever to patient care. Their only consequence is increased stress and wasted time and energy for everyone involved.

Here is a simple - one step - inexpensive solution that will save well over a million clicks a day across the USA and instantly and permanently give every single provider back time and energy as soon as you plug the darn thing in. It really is that simple. Ready?

Tags: EMR, stop physician burnout


Quadruple Aim FAIL Diary: How to Sabotage Your Physician Wellness Program From the Start

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Quadruple Aim FAIL Diary:
How to Sabotage Your Physician Wellness Program From the Start

Healthcare's new Quadruple Aim recognizes happy, healthy patients can only come from happy healthy doctors. Quadruple Aim leaders understand that taking better care of your doctors is mandatory for successful organizations in the future.

Tags: physician wellness, Physician Leadership


Physician Burnout and the Brain Changes of the Eeyore Effect

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Physician Burnout and the Brain Changes of the Eeyore Effect

Have you ever noticed how everything changes when you are exhausted, burned out or in a foul mood? Even little things get under your skin, you get stuck in traffic, spill coffee on your white shirt, forget your reading glasses ... it all happens on the same day and it is distinctly crazy-making. Have you ever experienced that?

Tags: stop physician burnout


PODCAST - The Root Causes of Physician Burnout

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

PODCAST - The Root Causes of Physician Burnout

 Here is a podcast with the talented John Jurica MD at The VITAL Physician Executive at this link. 

We discussed:
1. The scope of our activities beyond publishing The Happy MD blog and website;
2. How the Quadruple Aim is not being realized;
3. A working definition of physician burnout;
4. How coaching has helped thousands of physicianssalvage their clinical careers;
5. Five root causes of physician burnout;
6. Three burnout myths;
7. The first steps to take to eliminate burnout.

CLICK the Play Button to Start Listening

Tags: stop physician burnout


The Battle for the Quadruple Aim - Its 3 on 1 and the Outcome Is Unclear

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The Battle for the Quadruple Aim - It's 3 on 1 and the Outcome Is Unclear

The Quadruple Aim is a simple, common sense concept that goes like this:

Quality patient care is based on the health and wellbeing of the human beings providing that care ... the doctors and staff. 

I know ... you are probably saying "Duh" right now. It seems like such an obvious statement of fact ... right? And it is such an obvious antidote to physician burnout.

I must admit I  had a naive assumption that this concept would take off like a rocket after the first article in Annals of Family Medicine in 2015. And it has not. 

The Quadruple Aim is actually a radical notion in the healthcare industry for three distinct reasons I will show you below.

The battle lines are drawn and the forces are in raging conflict in C-suites and Board Rooms across the globe.

Unfortunately the outcome is in doubt at this point in time.

Tags: stop physician burnout, quadruple aim


The Patient's Problem List is NOT a List of Problems - Physician Burnout is Not A Problem Either

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

The Patient’s Problem List is NOT a List of Problems -  - Physician Burnout is Not A Problem Either !

The beginning of all wisdom starts by calling things by their right name. ~ Confucius

Tags: physician burnout prevention, stop physician burnout


Stop Physician Burnout: How SHIT HAPPENS Inside a Healthcare Bureaucracy (humor)

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Physician burnout, the employed physician and the occasional insanity of bureaucracy

Have you ever looked at the announcement of a new policy or workflow from your employer and wondered where do these ideas that make no sense come from ?

You know the policies I am talking about ...

The one where you look at what you are being asked to do -- and actually mumble out loud, "What were they thinking? Did anyone even talk to a doctor when this policy was put together?"
Key Resources:[Free]
Manage Your Boss Worksheet
Disruptive Physician's ToolKit
We have stumbled upon what appears to be the Origin Story for this category of silly commands-from-on-high.

It's a leadership version of the old "telephone game" (Chinese whispers) that is called THE PLAN. I have yet to find a citation for its author.

As you read this, please remember it is supposed to be funny ... OK?

Tags: stop physician burnout


Stop Physician Burnout - How to Get a Scribe - the Claw Back method

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Stop Physician Burnout - How to Get a Scribe

EMR and documentation join physician burnout as another DILEMMA in the life of physicians. There is no solution/cure/fix/magic pill to make your documentation chores disappear, what is needed is a strategy to get your charts done and get you home at a reasonable hour. 

In addition to templates, batch processing, Dragon and perhaps even a "super MA" -- one powerful component of your documentation strategy could be a Medical Scribe.

In this post let me show you how to get a scribe, even if you have been told you can't have one before. This method has never failed in my experience if you follow the steps below.

(Download the Quick Take and Action Plan Here)

Tags: EMR, stop physician burnout


Physician Burnout -  MGMA Staffing Averages are a Primary Cause

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

How did the physician overwhelm in the trenches of patient care get to be so pervasive?

In this article, let me show you a hidden management thought pattern that creates abusive levels of understaffing in the majority of healthcare organizations every day.

Tags: causes of physician burnout


Physician Wellness - What is the Level of Expertise in Your Organization

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Physician Wellness - What is the Level of Expertise in Your Organization?

In this post let me show you two important new developments in the prevention of physician burnout.

1) The definition of Five Levels of Expertise in Physician Well-being as proposed by Tait Shanafelt et al in an important new study.

2) A new way for your organization to leap frog to LEVEL FIVE in a single step.

Take a look at the table below and LEAVE A COMMENT telling us the level of your organization's expertise in preventing physician burnout.

Tags: physician wellness, stop physician burnout, quadruple aim