Dike Drummond MD

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Physician Burnout and COVID-19 Stress Survey - 3 Takeaways

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Become an Effective Physician Wellness Champion

Back in the good old days - March of this year - recall that physician burnout rates had been hovering in the 40% range for  years.

And along comes the Corona. We all feel the additional stress of the current Pandemic chaos - each in our own way.

And physicians being scientists at heart, you may have asked, "is there any research on COVID-19 impact on the pre-existing burnout epidemic in physicians ?"

With some recent article/study releases the answer is now "Yes".

Tags: Physician Burnout, Pandemic


Stop Physician Burnout - the Pandemic Profit Crater & the Sine Wave Delusion

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Let me show you a classic bean counter leadership delusion that is already increasing front-line physician burnout here in the USA.

The Sine Wave Delusion happens when a physician leader does not understand patient care and assumes financial losses can be made up easily if we just spin the doctor hamster wheels faster. 

Tags: Physician Leadership, stop physician burnout, physician burnout video training, Pandemic


COVID-19 Fake News Tsunami - what do you say to your patients?

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Most physicians are scientists. We believe in evidence based recommendations and do our best to persuade by logic. Right?

Unfortunately, not all humans are scientists. Not all can be persuaded by our Public Health Jedi Mind Tricks. 
When fear, deliberate misinformation, conspiracy theories, fake news and partisan politics are pumped into everyone's cell phone at the speed of light --- things get strange quickly. 

Two signs this will not end well.

Tags: Physician Burnout, Pandemic


Physicians On Purpose Podcast 002 - Mark Jaben MD  - Vision Strategy Tactics

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Physicians on Purpose Podcast 002
Dr. Mark Jaben and the Vision-Strategy-Tactics Word Stack

Whenever you want to make change in your life or your practice ...
You are working with a group/team of people and you want to make sure they are pulling in the same direction ...

This Word Stack will Save Your Bacon

Tags: stop physician burnout, physicians on purpose, Podcast


Healthcare ROCKS THE VOTE to Push Back on Politics as Usual in the USA

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

August 2020 is Civic Health Month - Healthcare Supporting Voting and Voter Registration in 2020

There is a new movement at the intersection of Medicine and Politics here in 2020.

Tags: physician wellbeing


Physicians On Purpose Podcast 1 - Step out of the Whirlwind

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Here's the first episode of our new Physicians On Purpose (POP) Podcast - a Lesson on How to Escape the Whirlwind of Your Practice.

Learn about our new Podcast from the Physicians on Purpose Community and I teach the #1 method to prevent physician burnout - a reliable way to escape the whirlwind of your practice.

Tags: stop physician burnout, physicians on purpose, Podcast


Stop Physician Burnout the Limits of Positive Psychology

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Positive Psychology is not a Physician Wellness Strategy - it is a single useful tool, just like Lipstick on a Pig

Even if you put the most expensive lipstick on a cute little Hampshire pig, it is still a pig.
There are times when positive psychology is an extremely useful, powerful and effective body of knowledge, yet focusing only on the nature of my inner dialog won't fix a system where patient and information flow are fundamentally inefficient - or perhaps even FUBAR.
Telling your people Positive Psychology is all you need to turn this around - is wrong, cruel and can only make things worse for everyone - leaders, clinicians, staff and patients.  
Build a System-Wide Physician Wellness Strategy
Our Corporate Support Services are HERE

Tags: stop physician burnout


Stop Physician Burnout - this is not about Physician Resilience

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

We know physician burnout is not because physicians lack resilience.

You are way more resilient than the average bear. Here's how we know ...

You survived med school and residency!
You are Still Here !

I use the word "survive" in that sentence very deliberately. If you look at the experience of Medical School and Residency from a pure energy perspective - think "The Force" in the Star Wars movies - your medical education was an exercise in SURVIVAL at that level.

Sure you learned a whole new vocabulary, a problem focused diagnostic skill set and how to recognize and treat most of the diseases in your specialty ... but all of that was predicated on your survival.

Tags: stop physician burnout, physician resilience


The Only Question about Physician Wellness You Need to Ask

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Even in a Year Like This ... Physician Wellness Leaders are More Important than Ever ... here's why ...

We are nowhere near the end of the human suffering and massive economic impact of the pandemic of 2020.

The Old Normal is gone. It is all hands on deck - as you treat COVID-19 patients directly or are working to ramp your practice back up again. 

The New Normal has yet to emerge from the whirlwind.

Tags: physician wellness, Physician Burnout, Physician Retreat


Practice Reset Online Workshop - Design and Build Your New Normal

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

[Next Workshop Starts February 1st, 2021]
 => Click Here for Full Details <=

As the layers of COVID-19 chaos and disruption march through your life and practice, you have a choice on where you focus your attention.

You could play defense -- cover your eyes, nose, ears and mouth and hang on - white knuckle your way to the light at the end of the tunnel or even pray for a rescue.

If that's what you choose, inevitably someone else will draw up your new job description in the wake of the pandemic and tell you what to do - once again. 


WE INVITE YOU to our next Practice Reset Online Workshop. Whether you want to tweak, reset or even escape your current practice, the chaos of 2020 and COVID-19 means there has never been a better time to get started than right now.

Tags: Dike Drummond MD, Physician Burnout, Pandemic