Dike Drummond MD

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Are You Seeing this Delusional Behavior from Your Leadership Team??

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

We call it the SINE WAVE DELUSION and it goes like this:

  • Your organization lost money in the last year because of lower patient visit and surgery volumes due to COVID-19. It was a Pandemic Profit Crater.

  • The leadership team cut your support staff in an effort to cut expenses/save money. Keep the ship afloat, weather the storm was the thinking. Mission accomplished, you are still here.

  • Now they expect you to make up the income shortfall by producing higher patient visit volumes and RVU's than ever before, without giving you back the support staff to hit those production targets. Just Spin that Gerbil Wheel Faster! If you can see even more patients with lower staff expense, we will be able to make up last years losses. Come on, you are a team player aren't you?

  • And now doctors are quitting. Burned out and bloodied, many labeled as disruptive. It is the healthiest thing to do for you and your family in many cases.

  • You haven't quit yet - and the thought of abandoning your patients, staff and colleagues keeps you rooted to your current practice, despite these lunatic work expectations.

Tags: Physician Leadership, stop physician burnout


Racist and Sexist MicroAggressions are a Common Cause of Physician Burnout

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

I am a big, old, straight, American cis male physician, showered in white privilege and given a free pass in the realm of bias and discrimination. 

I have coached hundreds of burned out physicians over the last 12 years. Our conversations are intimate and authentic for a simple reason; there is no change without first telling the truth.

Whenever one of my coaching clients varies from my personal characteristics - in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, native language, sexual orientation or any other variable - we both know that bias and discrimination play some role in their burnout. They tell me the truth of what is going on. I tell them when I see subtle and obvious bias and discrimination from my position of privilege.

[I freely acknowledge I did not earn this position. It is only a reflection of the random combination of chromosomes that looks back at me from the mirror in the morning. As a coach it offers me the equivalent of a Litmus Test: I ask, "if it was me instead of my client in this situation, would I be treated the same way?" If the answer is NO, bias and discrimination is in play.]

For these physicians, each week contains a subset of words and deeds that hurt. The aggressors may be patients, staff, the general population or even leaders and physician colleagues.

  • Some hurt on purpose with looks, language and actions used deliberately to wound the physician as a human being.
  • Others are unconsciously woven into the fabric of our society and the healthcare system itself. 


TWO (obvious) QUESTIONS:

1) Just how often do physicians who are not white and not cis males experience these feelings of bias and discrimination in the course of their work life?

2) Is the frequency of these "microaggressions" associated with burnout in these doctors?

A recent study answers both.

  • 94% experienced sexist microaggressions
  • 81% experienced racist microaggressions
  • Each and both were linked to the physician's burnout risk

Let me show you why these results (which might seem shocking to you) are what I consider to be a best case scenario.

And ... let me ask you if this strikes you as important new information or an obvious "DUH of the Day"?

Tags: Physician Burnout, bias and discrimination in healthcare


How to Talk to Senior Leaders About a Corporate Physician Wellness Strategy

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Just how do you begin a conversation with your senior leadership team about building out a Corporate Physician Wellness Strategy?

What is the best way to bring up the staggering costs of physician burnout and the benefits of a corporate physician wellness strategy -- if your senior leaders are not already engaged in this dialog?

We have supported hundreds of doctors around the world who act as physician wellbeing insurgents in their organization - working hard to get the attention of the C-Suite on the need for a burnout prevention strategy at the level of the organization. 

Learn from our 10 years and over 175 organization experience in these critically important discussions. 

In Physicians On Purpose (POP) Podcast #18...

    • Learn how to start the conversation on a level playing field of shared understanding.
    • Learn the 3 competitive advantages of physician wellbeing.
    • Learn where to get backup and support on HOW to get started on your organizations strategy.
All in ... POP PODCAST #25:

Talking With Senior Leaders about a Corporate Physician Wellness Strategy

Tags: Physician Leadership, stop physician burnout, physicians on purpose podcast


Two More States Pass Laws Protecting Physician Wellness Programs

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

No doctor should hesitate to participate in a Physician Wellness Program because of the risk of discoverability and judgement down the road.

  • What if the state medical board finds out?
  • What if my specialty society or the insurance companies that are our payors find out?

These should never be questions you worry about before you reach out for support.  With burnout rates of 40%+ and over 400 physician suicides a year in the USA alone, we must do all we can to remove barriers to doctors asking for and receiving support in their time of need.

Legislation to provide immunity to Wellness Program participants is an important piece of this effort.

Unfortunately, here in the USA, we are a nation of states. This immunity from discoverability will have to come via state laws.

Good News ...
there appears to be an immunity support wave building in state legislatures around the country. It is still early and now the count is three!

Tags: physician wellbeing


Patient Satisfaction should never be 100%

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Patient Satisfaction should NEVER be 100%

Patient Satisfaction - or the "Patient Experience" is a key quality indicator for organizations and a potential bonus point for the individual physician.

Tags: Physician Burnout, Physician Leadership


Stop Physician Burnout: One Step to More of What You Really Want in Your Practice

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Stop Physician Burnout: One step to more of what you really want in your practice.

Desire is an interesting and disempowering emotion. When you really, really, really want things to be different and you wake up the next day -- and it is exactly the same as yesterday -- well that is just disappointing to say the least.

If your practice is not what you dreamed it would be ... that difference between desire and reality can be a major source of stress and burnout. 

And yet there is great power in desire/longing/dreams and vision when you have a clear target and the skills to move in that direction. This is what got you through Medical School and Residency - a clear finish line and a way to get there.

You are out in your own practice now. You have the freedom and responsibility to determine what your practice looks like and how it feels ... for you and your family. It is rare that you will find what you seek on someone else's job description.

You will need to change things up to get what you really want in your practice/career/life. This is how you put stress and burnout to its highest and best use.

Tags: Physician Burnout


Physician Burnout's Highest and Best Use

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Physician Burnout's highest and best use

From within the misery of physician burnout it is difficult to see, but there is a purpose to this suffering. Burnout actually has a highest and best use.

When you use your stress and burnout as fuel for transformation -- when you do a good job of burning out, you will look back on this as an important turning point in your life. A turning point for the better.

Tags: Physician Burnout, Physician Coaching


Performance, Trust and Physician Leadership Wisdom ~ Simon Sinek

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

One of the key causes of the modern Physician Burnout epidemic is the state of leadership in healthcare

Let's face it, large organizations that employ hundreds of physicians are a new development in the healthcare industry. The consolidation in healthcare continues, forming larger and larger companies, while the on-the-job-quality of life for the workers continues to deteriorate. 

Over and over again leaders emphasize numbers over mission, meaning, and culture of the group. Add COVID into the mix and it really is a perfect storm. 

  • Where did this go off the rails?
  • Where can we find new attitudes and new skills to build a healthy healthcare workplace.

In this video Simon Sinek will show you lessons he learned from the Navy Seals that can help all leaders in healthcare.


Check it out and PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT.

Tags: Physician Leadership, stop physician burnout


A Physician Wellness Window is Coming in the Wake of the COVID Pandemic

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

We believe there will be a short window of wider acceptance for Physician Wellbeing in the wake of COVID-19

I have seen senior leaders marvel at the magnificent response of the physicians and staff to the crisis of the pandemic. A small percentage of them will want to do more to care for the doctors as the overwhelm recedes. This window will close when financial concerns distract these same leaders as "normal" returns to healthcare.

Tags: stop physician burnout


Gita Pensa MD - a 12 Year Malpractice Journey - Lessons Learned

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

What lessons can we all learn from being sued for malpractice?

So many learnings on so many layers. About lawsuits and lawyers, settlements and verdicts. About human nature and most importantly about yourself and career choice to be a physician.

There is no better teacher of these lessons than Gita Pensa MD

In Physicians On Purpose (POP) Podcast #18...
Let her show you a magnificent 12 year saga of ups and downs, detailing exactly what she learned, inside and out, in the process.

POP Podcast 18:
Dr. Gita Pensa - 12 Year Malpractice Litigation Journey

Tags: stop physician burnout, physicians on purpose podcast