Dike Drummond MD

Recent Posts

3 things Amazon could do with One Medical to create a Healthcare Breakthrough

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Admit their ignorance of healthcare delivery and build a truly collaborative workplace ... for starters.

Amazon is buying primary care company One Medical and the whole medical industry is holding its breath to see what a warehouse and delivery titan can do in the healthcare space.

They don't have a stellar reputation as an employer and physician burnout rates are topping 50%. I am not sure they bring anything new to the table. That level of ignorance can be an advantage if they go back to basics.

In this blog post, let's discuss the business vs. healing divide and let me show you three things Amazon could do as they acquire One Medical that would be a true breakthrough in quality care for both patients and the providers of care.

Tags: stop physician burnout


Is this Live Training a Physician Burnout Vaccine?

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

How can a one-hour training at a Medical Staff Meeting change a doctor's life?

Several times a month I meet a doctor who tells me,

"I saw you at a Medical Staff meeting (six) years ago.
I want you to know you changed my life.
I wouldn't have made it without that night and your book.
My wife/husband said I had to make sure I told you."

What a pleasure and a true honor to know that what we did together made a positive difference for that doctor's practice, their patients and their family. Wow!

And none of it was by accident.

All of our trainings are designed for immediate impact for anyone who is ready for change.

Tags: physician wellness, stop physician burnout, physician wellness training


The Physician Friendly Organization Scorecard

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Is YOUR organization Physician Friendly?

When a workplace becomes toxic, its poison spreads beyond its walls and into the lives of its workers and their families.

 Gary Chapman

In our work helping thousands of over-stressed doctors recover from burnout, here is one of the most frustrating scenarios:
A coaching client and I work together to stop the downward spiral and get their energy and attitude back … and yet they are trapped inside a flagrantly toxic workplace.

We have to fight the same battle with burnout every day because the conditions at work are not physician-friendly.

They are working on themselves to build more life balance and a more ideal practice, hope returning, feeling better. 

And each work day pounds them back to the bottom of the mountain in a marathon of inefficient systems, clueless leadership and sometimes outright hostility towards physicians and the basics of the practice of medicine.

It can be very disorienting, especially if your leaders say one thing and your experience of working here is completely different. Are you really seeing this?

So let's get objective, here and now:

Here is a 19-Item Physician Friendly Organization Scorecard.
How does your employer stack up?


Tags: Physician Leadership, stop physician burnout


Gender Bias, Burnout and Digital Overwhelm in Female Physicians

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

This month, yet another facet of gender bias contributing to female physician burnout was quantified.

In this blog post let's review the known sources of higher stress and workload on female physicians and let me show you yet another newly quantified stress on women doctors.

Tags: stop physician burnout, physician gender bias


Physician Wisdom Time Bank - Master Archive

Posted by Dike Drummond MD


"If you could go back in time and speak to yourself as an intern or resident ...

What is the One Thing you would want that sapling version of you to know about what is coming?
- One Important Thing to Keep in Mind
- Or Understand
As "intern you" moves forward in this physician career and life to this present day?

We have asked this question across our blog, social media pages and our Burnout Proof MD support ecosystem. This is the Master File of answers from all sources. 


Tags: stop physician burnout


Amazon buys One Medical - Will the acquisition be Good for the Doctors?

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

This week Amazon bought the healthcare delivery organization One Medical for $3.9 Billion.

What effect will this merger have on the health, wellbeing and working conditions of the One Medical physicians and staff?

Will working for Amazon as a healthcare provider be a good thing or will the new organization devolve into the same kinds of working conditions we see in their warehouse and delivery operations? Here is just one article on what it's like to work on the logistics side of Amazon: "Amazon chews through the average worker in eight months. They need a union

I hope and pray this is not the future for the doctors, nurses and other front-line staff under Amazon's leadership. Do we have any grounds for optimism? 


How to Prevent Physician Burnout as Simply as Possible
Three key distinctions that complete your medical education

The acquisition gives Amazon
a physical network of health-care offices and providers, and One Medical's proprietary technology enabling virtual doctor visits.

All the news to date is focused on the business implications of Amazon's entry into patient care or on the impacts for patients in the new, Amazon-controlled system.

In this blog post let's talk about the impact on the Physicians in the One Medical System as they are acquired and molded to Amazon's business objectives.

Tags: stop physician burnout, employee physician


Our Physician Wellness Strategy Template

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Our Quadruple Aim Blueprint Webinar
The Blueprint for your Physician Wellness Strategy
Register for the Complete Webinar Replay Video

We share our 12 year, 40,000 doctor experience preventing physician burnout and our corporate wellness strategy template.

The Webinar is Ideal For:

  • Chief Wellness Officers
  • Wellness Champions
  • C-suite and other Senior Healthcare Leaders
  • All Physicians, Staff and Administrators interested in playing a role in the Wellness Strategy going forward

If you understand WHY

- the health and wellness of your people are critical to the survival of your organization

Let us show you HOW

- to build a proactive organization-wide wellness strategy NOW

Register for the Webinar Replay Here


Learn How to Design and Deploy your Organization's Wellness Strategy in our Blueprint Webinar

Tags: physician wellness, Physician Burnout, Physician Leadership


TOP Physician Links: Doctor Abuse, Administrators at Fault, the ZEN-tensivist Manifesto

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Stop #PhysicianBurnout Links of the Week

Escape the Whirlwind of Your Practice Week with these Quality Articles and Studies.

Tags: stop physician burnout


Stop Physician Burnout - Always be Building a More Ideal Practice

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Stop Physician Burnout by continuously building a more Ideal Practice ... here's how

In this brief video lesson (5:28) you will learn a three-step process to always be building a more Ideal Practice.

[Up to 1 Hour of CME Credit Available]
[ see link below the video frame]

Tags: Physician Job Search, stop physician burnout, physician burnout video training


Are CHATBOTS Really a Solution to Physician Burnout? One Tech CEO's Nirvana Scenario

Posted by Dike Drummond MD

Stop #PhysicianBurnout

Tags: stop physician burnout